Take actions to limit the excessive suburban sprawl of tract homes that threatens the landscape and culture of our rural community. Everyone has grown tired of seeing the seemingly endless new neighborhoods, particularly those neighborhoods that encroach beyond the city and into our agricultural spaces. The so-called "smart growth" that this county has been experiencing, is anything but. Rather, it is unrestrained growth that beyond dramatically altering the culture of our community, it is stressing our infrastructure to the point of unsustainability.
Dedicate more of our reserve funds to our literally crumbling roads. Expand our road crews to what they need to be in order get the work done. Additionally explore changing the criteria for developers so that they are contributing their fair share to our infrastructure
If the current suggested landfill expansion goes through, it is estimated that more than 90% of the garbage brought in will be from out of county. These out-of-county customers pay a cheaper rate than the residents of San Benito do to use our landfill. Additionally, the damage that will be done to our roads from excess multi-ton trucks driving in and out of the county bring into question the fiscal practicality of accepting out of county garbage.